quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2009

[KTT]'s Baronet rides again

[Prezados leitores, aí vai uma em inglês do nosso Barão]
Dear friends and sons of gods and goddesses and affiliateds too, Barão do KTT has been very far from home because He was very occupied and doing (or making, I dont know how to say or speak in English) a very important tour around the known and unknown world and realms with very unimportant personalities of Politics (Loula the Mollusc, Joseph Marilia de Dirceu, Severin Jedi, Celso Tamborim, Prince Tatcher, Margareth Charles, Camila Camel and so one and anothers), Religion(Gilbert Guilt-the most important "Father of Saint" of Dun Laoghaire, Adrian the Great Rabi of Bora Bora Bosta an uninhabited island in Island, Lao-Tse-Tungsteny the Master Kung Fu Deu of ancient Made in China, saint Benedictus or Bento the First and Unique the destroyer of the magnificent statuaire, temples and literature of Greek-Roman Civilization in the fifth century of C.E. (Catete's Era or N.E. Noble Era as you wish), Economics and Comics (Bin Gates of Hell and Bill Ladden to Heaven and others homo, auto, hetero and ex plosive men). [KTT]'s Baronet flied in the wings AeroLulas jet squid. Here We (and I too) are again fighting with all ours strenghts and forces against the powers of Evil and goodness. [KTT]'s Baronet never rests. Now we are going to a rendezvous (redevu in portuguese) in Lapa's district with Count Coffee Anão and UN general staff's... Kisses and Beefs for evr'y bodies
Barão do KTT.

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